I get the following error when the cron job works. ---------------------------------------------------- 09/11/2009 05:00:09 ccBill datalink error: Authentication failed. 04 09/11/2009 05:00:09 ccBill datalink debug (20090827040006, 20090828040006): https://datalink.ccbill.com/data/ma...ntSubacc=****&username=******&password=****** Error: Authentication failed. 04 ---------------------------------------------------- When I contacted ccBill, they say that error is ip, however I've added the IP scope to ccBill, as well as I have a static IP. However, When I actually type the url indirecting it to the cron.php file, no errors come up. I get these errors both when I have cron setup on my server control panel, and aswell as when I take off the run external cron ( which obviously runs via the script ) Any help would be great