CCbill browser compatibility. I need a secondary!

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by twholycross, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. twholycross

    twholycross aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 30, 2007
    CCbill is telling me that there are several known issues with regard to browser compatibility and loading their processing page. They tell me Opera, Netscape, AOL. I also have customers telling me IE7 and Firefox do not work as well. So how many people are using these browsers?! A good way to see is look into your amember pending members and see how many have duplicate incomplete payments for the same product. Obviously not 100% accurate, but I have substantiated with email that 7 of 10 users with this status abandon the form because of load problems and were using said browsers. The other 3 people did not respond to my email. lol

    So... I obviously need a secondary processor which I have been avoiding. Possibly tertiary. I signed up for Paypal a year or so ago and don't remember exactly why, but I believe they could not handle part of the data I need to pass. My site sells monthly and yearly subscriptions. Each customer chooses an additional category variable of 1,2 or 3 that then grants access to different information based on that level.

    So any recommendations? Clickbank? Who can tell me what the browser compatibility is like?


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