So I'm looking at the users I have and some are pending. But when I try to edit the user, there is no way to change their status from pending to active? I'm thinking this can't be right. How could the admin not be able to manually change member status? Shouldn't there also be one to change the status of mass members?
Do you have the manually approve members option set? If not- then pending is from members having ordered but not completed payment. To make them active you need to go to their payment and mark it as paid- or add a new payment to them. You may be able to do this for all members using the mass subscribe link in "manage products". David
David - thanks for the reply. My members are all free members. All I want to do is use amember to synchronize 4 different scripts and their user name, password and email address membership acounts. That's the only product I have. I don't know how it would apply to this scenario. I still think there needs to be an admin option to change the status manually if it needs correcting.
I don't know what you're trying to do, but if you want to enable/disable members manually then you'll follow the steps that David described. Erwin
I've alerted the guys in support. This makes a member active but, if you require verification emails, users still can't login. This can only be fixed by manually editing it in the database. There needs to be an ability to have an admin approve a user and also check the email verification as Yes.