Changing Domain for Lincense

Discussion in 'Installation' started by citytiger, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. citytiger

    citytiger New Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Just wondering - is it possible to change the domain my license is locked to or do I have to purchase a new license?

    I installed Amember on one site and got the license for that site. However I have now sold the site as it never took off (the new owners are not using Amember) so that license is now obsolete.

    However, I do have a new project I am working on that I was considering using Amember for. It would be a big help if I could just transfer my license across to the new project instead of having to fork out for another license.

    Also can you tell me, If I order another 12 months of upgrades for the $80.....would that allow me to upgrade all of my Amember installations/licenses or would I need to order a seperate 12 months of upgrades for each license?
  2. jackgordon

    jackgordon aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 23, 2009
    Just put in a support ticket to change your license to a different domain. They do it all the time.

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