Hi all. I'm sure this has been answered elsewhere - but can't find it! I need to have our main (doorway) page open to all visitors - but display either a login or signup option. If I use check-inc all users are immediately redirected to the login page before they can read about our site. Any ideas how I can get round this?
You have to write custom PHP code to get this. It is not good idea to protect entire site, I recommend you to put protected content into separate directory. About login/signup options - it is just HTML - just insert it to your page.
Protect entire web site But, hey, I just want to PROTECT my entire site. I want every visitor be a registered member. That's my business. Apparently, aMember does NOT do that. I don't know if aMember can't do or doesn't want to do that. I tried with my site — the entire site protected: http://saliu.com/ People told me they were able to access the site with no problem! I selected the entire site as the protected folder. I also added the subscriptions necessary to access the site. How can I protect my entire web site? Look, I know what I am doing! The signup and login pages offer meaningful information regarding why I implement membership. Ion Saliu http://saliu.com/amember/signup.php http://saliu.com/amember/member.php. Sposibo, Alexandr! Ion Saliu
You'll want non-members to be able to access the signup page won't you? That's part of your site. If so, then you DON'T want to protect the WHOLE SITE. How can a non-member become a member if they have to be a member to access the signup page? That's why most people put their protected content in a subfolder or manage content with a CMS which limits the content seen by non-members. You want non-members to be able to see the sales page, the signup page, and a "support" page if they have trouble logging in.
I could say that uninformed (or too informed) customers and users of aMember are dangerous... Read the manual - it's not the software or the plugin, it's how you set it up and what you do to it. Or if you even know what a heck you're doing to begin with.
Gotta love Miso! Did you PURCHASE the onetime download add-on or did you just copy it from the demo version and paste it into your licensed site? If you just copied and pasted it, that's your problem. I use both the onetime download AND onetime access plugin and they both work flawlessly for my needs. Also, if you are just trying to protect certain pages to make sure the user is registered before they can access the content, why not use the PHP Include security? That way you can determine not only IF they are allowed to view the pages but also what subscriptions they must have in order to access them. The only downside to that plugin is that it does not limit the number of times a user can access a particular page, just whether they can access it or not. I use a combination of OneTime Access, Download AND PHP Include to protect the various areas of my site and they all work together and work fine.
Okay, guys. You earned your right to be tough on me. Protecting the entire site is no longer of interest to me. A free-for-all-access area is a must for every site. There are also easy ways to keep bastards away. Since my website is under attack frequently, I'll only edit the .htaccess file. It is kind of annoying to add/delete IP numbers and upload .htaccess again and again. Anyway, that onetime_download error still buggers me. I upgraded my aMember installation several times. I uploaded the entire package with every new upgrade. Isn't that the correct procedure? I saw plugins available in my aMember installation. If they were not available, shouldn't they be disabled? How do I know what's available and what's not? Besides, if I tried to install an invalid plugin, why the error that brought down my entire aMember installation? I should expect a benign error like "Option not available". Just cancel the operation and return me to my control panel. Or say "You need to buy a plugin". But if an error that serious still occurs, the message should tell me accurately how to fix the problem. The info I received was totally wrong. Something like to remove the config.inc.php file or to delete its content. I did it and it caused new problems! I had to upload the config.inc.php that I had deleted… Ion Saliu
Thanks to the support department. They fixed the problem by deleting the onetime_download plugin. I wished they deleted all plugins I didn't pay for! Or disable them and show the message: "You have to pay for this plugin". Anyway, it's good to know that the problems can be fixed quickly, in less than 24 hours. Bravo! Ion Saliu