Checking already logged in

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by harthacanute, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. harthacanute

    harthacanute New Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    I'm running v.4, and have customised my site so that non-amember pages display 'Hello [name] - you are logged in', using Am_Lite::getInstance()->getName()

    That all works fine, except when restarting the browser. Then it thinks I'm logged out. I am actually logged in - I have clicked on 'remember me', and can access protected content without logging in again.

    I had this problem in the past with aMember v.2, and it was solved by this line:

    require_once '../amember/plugins/protect/php_include/'

    ... but v.4 doesn't seem to use this system.

    Currently, I use this at the top of all pages to check if I'm logged in:

    include "membership/library/Am/Lite.php";
    $lite = Am_Lite::getInstance();

    if($lite->isLoggedIn()){ ...

    Can anyone suggest a way to get it to realise that I am logged in without someone having to access the protected content first?

    Thank you!
  2. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    require_once '/home/myusername/public_html/amember/library/Am/Lite.php';
    checks if user has been authenticated
    Above from the wiki at
  3. harthacanute

    harthacanute New Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Hello - I appreciate the reply.

    I've tried that, but still have the same problem.

    Running the script below only produces a 1 (i.e. logged in) if I've accessed some protected content or viewed an aMember page.

    require_once '/home/someone/public_html/membership/library/Am/Lite.php';
    $member = Am_Lite::getInstance()->isLoggedIn() ;
    echo $member;

    Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    That function will return 1, 'which equates to True', so is working correct if the visitor is logged on. Otherwise it will return False ('0').

    I understood you wanted to check if visitor was logged in which this function will do. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
  5. harthacanute

    harthacanute New Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    If I have logged in previously, but closed the browser and reopened it, it returns a zero.

    But, I am still logged in - I have ticked the 'remember' box, and if I click on a link in the protected area, I don't have to log in, so I am correctly logged in.

    However, the script above returns a zero. This means if someone returns to my site, they get the message 'You are not logged in.' Actually, they are logged in - and if they click on the login button, they don't need to enter any login ID.

    Sorry if this sounds rather confusing.

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