Clarification on Paypal, Paypal Pro and

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by preetbanerjee, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. preetbanerjee

    preetbanerjee New Member

    Aug 16, 2008

    I'm looking to have a site that offers recurring payment option or single purchase items, but I want the flexibility of being able to take credit cards without the user having to sign up for an account with the payment system (i.e. paypal if they want to use a credit card for recurring payments).

    Ideally I'm looking for the following in a payment processing provider:

    1. Can allow user to pay by credit card without signing up for an account with the payment provider.
    2. Allows recurring payments.
    3. Accepts coupon codes for either single purchase or recurring payments.
    4. Stores the credit card information (i.e. less liability for me)

    Is this available? Thanks in advance.
  2. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    1. Yes can accept credit card without even visiting the payment providers site or having to create an account, seamless from your Amember installation.

    2. To do this I believe you would need to store the credit card numbers and have amember rebill each month, will not facilitate this for you (I'm not 100% on this so please someone else confirm or reject)

    3. Yes, this will happen within Amember to deduct the coupon amount before billing.

    4. For recurring I do not believe this is possible without storing the credit card numbers on your server, again see disclaimer in #2.

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