Clickbank Default Thank You Page

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by dhales, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. dhales

    dhales New Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Is there any reason I would actually need to use the thank you page that amember creates for clickbank products as opposed to just creating a default page for?

    I have multiple products / upsales within my transaction process and would benefit greatly from having greater control over the thank you page that's presented. Just wasn't sure if this was going to screw something up with regards to the way amember handles final confirmation of a customer's order, etc.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    If you have the IPN set up properly in clickbank, then you wont need the amember thank you page- if this isnt set, then you need it.

  3. dhales

    dhales New Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    thanks for the reply, David. I'm not sure if I just have my IPN setup wrong or if something has changed with the plugin's functionality, but unless I send them through the default thank you page they are not added to the "successfully paid" field.

    However, I did get a response from the support system and it's working perfectly's their solution in case anyone is having a similar problem.

    "You can include different text in thanks.html template depending on product that user purchased.
    For example :
    {if $payment.product_id == 1}
    This will be displayed only if user purchased product #1
    {if $payment.product_id == 2}
    This will be displayed only if user purchased product #2


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