Now that clickbank supports recurring billing, is there a way to implement that with Amember? The existing writeup at suggests not, but I'm just wondering if that page pre-dated CB's recurring functionality and whether it was now possible. Thanks, Jason
I'm not a customer yet but I will definitely become one if you could implement the Clickbank recurring payment option! Thanks a lot in advance!
Couldn't we integrate ClickBank the usual way? We would still have to manually delete a member if they cancel their membership since ClickBank has no ipn like PayPal does. Is this correct? Thanks, Steve
Now that Clickbank has been updated to support reoccuring billing I am interested in seeing aMember updated to support this, it seems they have documentation about it online here:
The add product screen for rebills looks similar to the standard. New stuff- $7.95 minimum initial and recurring charge, monthly frequency only, and 2-99 monthly cycles. No new info on what the callbacks are... I think they are the same as the initial purchase.
Currently clickbank does not have any callbacks functionality for recurring payments and cancellations. I spoke with Clickbank support and tech from ClickBank told me that this functionality will be available in the future. They offer only email notifications yet, so plugin will work like 2CO, when you will need to handle cancellations manually.
Does this mean that at this moment it is possible to use Amember with Clickbank recurring payments, that everything will go automatically except the cancellations? Can you explain this a little bit more? Thanks in advance
It's kinda working now From my testing the recurring sale payments are processed by clickbank successfully thru amember... HOWEVER the subscription dates are not processed correctly in amember. Unlike the current 2co plugin for amember which sets the valid subscription start date and then the expiry date to a date well into the future, the current clickbank plugin does not set the expiry date correctly. So if it's used you manually have to check the subscription start and end dates.
I've been waiting for this too... I'm glad the Clickbank added recurring. Now we just have to wait for them to add some sort of API so that aMember can integrate properly. Keep up the great work aMember. Troy
James you right. I modifed plugin to work like 2CO exactly. If you need it please contact me in helpdesk.
Hi Alexander, Does this mean that it now is possible to use Amember with Clickbank recurring billing? If yes, will everything go automatically then or will there be things we will have to adjust manually? Thank you for your time
I got the new plugin but where/how do I set the options such as product number etc.? It doesn't seem to come up in config.
If you have plugin enabled, have a look to ammeber CP -> manage Products -> Edit Product -> Clickbank ID