Coding an up-sell option at time of sign-up?

Discussion in 'Templates customization' started by ezminisites, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. ezminisites

    ezminisites New Member

    Jul 3, 2006

    I want to offer a better way of up-selling my Platinum level membership, currently the sales letter talks almost exclusively about the Gold Membership, and only when the user clicks to buy they get presented with the Platinum membership option. This confuses people sometimes and causes them to abandon cart. I want to have them click to buy, fill out the sign-up page (at this point they are more committed to proceeding) and on pressing 'continue' they are presented with a fade-out box offering them Platinum membership (prob with a video on it's benefits).

    Currently I have an aMember site integration. The purchasing process is as follows:

    1. Sales page (with single offering - >
    2. Sign-up and Order page (with 2/3 membership options - >
    3. Checkout / Payment provider (PayPal/2CO)
    4. Back to site

    I want to have it like this:

    B1. Sales page (with single offering - no change) >
    B2. Sign-up and order page is clicked on and filled out (with only one membership option selected) >

    B3. The information entered by the prospect is then captured within aMember (though no membership is attached to them); this way if they do not proceed we can follow up with them through email after >

    B4. When users click on 'Continue' a pop-over box appears; fading out the window underneath (like this, containing a video on the benefits of the up-sell, with an option to upgrade (to Platinum or Platinum Plus [Annual Plan] before checkout OR to say no thanks and stick with original selection).

    B5. Checkout / Payment provider (PayPal/2CO)
    B6. Back to site

    The look and feel is not a concern; just the code that initializes the fadeout box, swaps out the product variable (or not) and then proceeds to the payment provider.

    Hope I've been clear and you can help.

    Warm regards,

  2. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @Mark: Check out Ken Gary's Site. He has a couple of plugins that sounds like they may solve your issue:

    The amSales Funnel product bundles a number of the sales related plugins into one package:

    They are obviously not tailored to your specific requirements above, but may be either a) a turnkey way to get you 80% of the way there or b) a good starting point and you can work with Ken to get it where you want it.
  3. kengary

    kengary aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 13, 2008
    Yes, I think with some fancy clever product setup and my amOffers plugin we can get you where you need it to be with the exception of the pop-over. Your video would go on a separate offer screen. It won't be exactly like you are describing it but it should have the same effect. I'll talk to you on Skype.

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