Content drip only after approved payment

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by neekster, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. neekster

    neekster New Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    Here is what i am trying to do with my site:
    I have 18 "Modules" that consist of 1 video and 1 PDF file that I want to offer to my customers. Upon buying their 7 day trial, customers are given access to Modules 1, 2 and a Bonus Video. Then after 7 days, they are charged 34.95 (if not cancelled within the 7 day trial period).

    Each month I automatically release a new module for them ONLY after their next payment of $34.95 gets processed (currently I plan on using Paypal). If it declines, I do not want this new content to be given to them. It seams to me that the content drip and payments work independently???

    I would prefer having links to their available content in the member's intro page I created (html). So, I have created this page with the links to each Module like a (table of contents) but HOW do I get these links to appear only to the right customer at the right time depending on how far along they are in their membership? I am trying to avoid creating 18 html pages, one for each Module. i would like to have 1 page with a link to each video.

    I need help please :)

    Thank you to anyone who can help!

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This could be done as customization only. Contact us in helpdesk for a quote if you are interested.

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