I want to have a simple setup but not sure how to do it. Trying with trial version, but so far no luck. I have members.mydomain.com where amember resides. I also use secure.mydomain.com for the signups. How do I tie these together. I input the sceure url and the base url of script but it gives all kinds of errors when trying to use something. says it's not found because it's looking on secure when script is on members. What's the best way to accomplish this? Is it possible to send inputs back between the two subdomains? if not what do you recomend? Also the affiliate system, is there anyway for someone who's not a member to signup? A direct link to a signup form like most affiliate systems? Thanks for any input.
Jimmy, there is nothing but troubles to have 2 aMember installations. Avoid this. Ask your hosting provider how to make both secure and non-secure content residing in the same folder.
I am my own hosting provider I think I fixed that problem. What of the affiliate question though? Thanks
We will add direct affiliate signup feature into next version. Currently, you may create a hidden free product (negative price group), specially for affiliates signup.
What about two installs but one database? would this work? I really needto use two seperate domains. One for billing (secure.*) and one for member management (members.*) Let me know
Jimmy, it would work, but each installation will update their own updateable files. For example, this setup will not work with htpasswd and new_rewrite protections. Other things may work.
So it will work? or not? If one is strictly doing billing and one strictly doing membership wouldn't the billing one just provide user info into the db that the other would use for protection? Is there a better way that you can recommend? Thanks
It will work with a restriction that you cannot use htpasswd and new_rewrite protection methods. I don't recommend this setup. Press on your hosting staff - they are always able to make secure and non-secure website reside in the same physical folder (by setting-up symbolic link).
got the cert and setup the ssl. I got the cert for secure.* so far is this right? so now I symlink secure* to members.* ???? Let me know Thanks
Not sure what means symlink secure. to members. May be - depends on your webhosting software. Main idea is to get (for example): http://www.yoursite.com/amember/ and https://secure.yoursite.com/amember/ or https://www.yoursite.com/amember/ referring to the same physical folder. NOT to 2 copies of the same folder!