Coupon / Affiliate Question

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by glacius, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. glacius

    glacius New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
    Ok, so first let me explain that my end goal is that I'd like a way for an affiliate to send me people without a website, but still be tracked.

    So what I have so far is I give my buddy Mark a coupon name and call it MARKBONUS or whatever and then each day I go through all of my new users and see if under "payments" they used MARKBONUS and if yes, then I assign Mark as the affiliate. I would love if there was a way to just automate this in general. Where do I request features?

    Anyway, if it can't just be done automatic then at least I would like to be able to "Filter" the Users list by specifying a COUPON. So I can goto Users -> Filter -> Coupon = MARKBONUS and then it helps me by showing only users that I need to assign to Mark manually. Again, a coupon_name filter would be a great addition to the filter list.

    Can anyone help me out if I've missed a way to do this as it stands right now... or perhaps I can add a code snippet somewhere in one of the files to achieve what I need?
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    I think you should try to automate this- and have the affiliate automatically be assinged by the coupon ID if the first part of a coupon code matches an affiliate id? Perhaps using a coupon structure like 18-bonus 18-summer 18-winter, have the system see if the affiliate id of 18 matches.

    Think this would require some customization that amember could handle.

  3. schiffmand

    schiffmand New Member

    Dec 21, 2011
    How was this resolved? I have a similar situation where i am running a promotion where I will need to import 1,000 coupon codes. How can i go about this?
  4. cemper

    cemper Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    same question here
  5. benfitts

    benfitts Member

    Apr 10, 2008
    We have done this for another client.

    In the aMember administrator, we added affiliate code to the screen where you create a batch of coupons. All you need is the affiliate's "amember id" number. You enter that when you generate the batch of coupons and we store the affiliate id in the database.

    This particular client is also giving away prepaid memberships so we have a special signup form for them that checks the coupon code, matches against the affiliate id, and forwards to the appropriate sign up form so we can track the affiliate id.
  6. cemper

    cemper Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    @Benfitts - sounds like just what I need... is that a specific plugin you wrote?

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