Would aMember work for accepting online registrations for in-person courses? Some specific requirements are below. 1. Can I import courses and the import format supported. 2. For the short term, there is a need to process payments manually. The user would register, then call with their CC info. Is there a way to go into the admin and mark the course registration somehow as paid? 3. Would like to allow users to transfer from the date and / or time of the course they registered for to another day / time. 4. Is a standby list possible?
Hello, thank you for contacting us! 1. Sure, you can import data. Data must be in CSV format - you will specify fields order during import. 2. Sure, it is possible. Just enable "offline" payment plugin. 3. It is possible, but requires a bit of additional programming. Contact us via helpdesk for details. 4. How should it work? I believe it is possible.