Creating Per-Domain WordPress Plugin/Theme Registrations

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by volomike, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. volomike

    volomike New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    I'm thinking of purchasing aMember Pro. I know it can give me a payment workflow and protected software downloads pretty easily. The problem then is that I want to issue serial numbers. The customer then downloads my WordPress plugin or theme, installs the serial number in an options panel I build into the theme or plugin (normal WP API stuff), and somehow I want to use some kind of API in aMember (if it exists) that lets me validate the serial number.

    Part 2 is that I want to go the next mile and let me have a serial number for single domain installs, and another serial number for 5 domains at a time, where a customer who wants 20 domains with my plugin or theme will have to purchase 4 five-domain packs. The serial numbers also need to be unique, something like:


    $sSerial md5('AfXFEW~~~33230AJK#2' $sCustomerEmail 'single-domain-pack');
    The question is how would I go about adapting AMember Pro to handle this, and what's already in AMember Pro that can help make this code development a little faster, as I need to build this rapidly?
  2. graphixx

    graphixx Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    This is also something that i would be interested in to get more info about, or how to get it done. Have you done anything similar for V3 of amember?

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