Hello: I'm tryng to customize a signup template to show some Credit Cards icons, the question is: Do you know where can I get images, icons or pictures for available credit cards to customize my site? I'm sorry if this question is not directly related with amember. Thank you very much. Mario
Hi mdelacruz I can tell you that I got mine from WorldPay website, can'nt say exactly where, but if you root around you'll find it. there are static ones and dynamic for the use of WorldPay only. Not knowing what payment processor you use? try their website... they should supply them. AmemberPro user
credit cards for mdelacruze heres your credit card icons mdelacruze new member serifas ps would like to ask some questions please email me with the title:Mario at the address serifas@gmail.com
Free 3D Credit Card Icons You go here for free 3d credit card icons on VirtualLNK's website. Hope that helps. You can't beat free any day of the week, and they are a lot nicer than other flat ones on the web.