The error handling messages for the Credit Card plugin are somewhat confusing. For example, entering the incorrect card number returns Number failed checksum test - not very helpful to customers. Has anyone done any testing to create more meaningful error messages? If so, would you be so kind as to share so we don't waste a lot of time testing? Here's the default list we have so far: $CCVSErrNumberString = 'Number isn\'t a string'; $CCVSErrVisa14 = 'Visa usually has 16 or 13 digits, but you entered 14'; $CCVSErrUnknown = 'First four digits, %s, indicate unknown card type'; $CCVSErrAccepted = 'Programmer improperly used the Accepted argument'; $CCVSErrNoAccept = 'We don\'t accept %s cards'; $CCVSErrShort = 'Number is missing %s digit(s)'; $CCVSErrLong = 'Number has %s too many digit(s)'; $CCVSErrChecksum = 'Number failed checksum test'; $CCVSErrMonthString = 'Month isn\'t a string'; $CCVSErrMonthFormat = 'Month has invalid format'; $CCVSErrYearString = 'Year isn\'t a string'; $CCVSErrYearFormat = 'Year has invalid format'; $CCVSErrExpired = 'Card has expired'; Thanks.