Credit Card plugin error handling messages

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by simonsays, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. simonsays

    simonsays aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 5, 2008
    The error handling messages for the Credit Card plugin are somewhat confusing. For example, entering the incorrect card number returns Number failed checksum test - not very helpful to customers. Has anyone done any testing to create more meaningful error messages? If so, would you be so kind as to share so we don't waste a lot of time testing? Here's the default list we have so far:

    $CCVSErrNumberString = 'Number isn\'t a string';
    $CCVSErrVisa14 = 'Visa usually has 16 or 13 digits, but you entered 14';
    $CCVSErrUnknown = 'First four digits, %s, indicate unknown card type';
    $CCVSErrAccepted = 'Programmer improperly used the Accepted argument';
    $CCVSErrNoAccept = 'We don\'t accept %s cards';
    $CCVSErrShort = 'Number is missing %s digit(s)';
    $CCVSErrLong = 'Number has %s too many digit(s)';
    $CCVSErrChecksum = 'Number failed checksum test';
    $CCVSErrMonthString = 'Month isn\'t a string';
    $CCVSErrMonthFormat = 'Month has invalid format';
    $CCVSErrYearString = 'Year isn\'t a string';
    $CCVSErrYearFormat = 'Year has invalid format';
    $CCVSErrExpired = 'Card has expired';

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