... but this could take up to 24hrs to see the red alert. If it goes away right after to THINK you installed the CRON properly, don't get too excited. It could (and has for me) come back the next day. So, is there any way to KNOW that it is setup properly, without waiting an entire day? To OUR Success, Dan Kelly EDIT: I figured it out... it was a pain in the you know what, but... 1. I created a few files for each of the methods available to call the CRON just. Each file simply used PHP to create a new file - with a unique name per command. Examples: "wget-hello-world-2.php" created a file called "wget-hello-world-2.txt" "lynx-hello-world-3.php" created a file called "lynx-hello-world-3.txt" That way, I know exactly which cron worked. 2. I uploaded all the PHP files. 3. I setup the cron file. Each line had a slightly different CRON command/path/etc... (The ones in the manual did not work exactly as is.) 4. I sent the commands to run every hour at a certain minute - a minute that was 3 minutes into the future. Example: Current time is 4:28pm I set the job to run ever hour at 33 minutes: 33 0 0 0 0 CRON_COMMAND_GOES_HERE 5. Wait 5 or 6 minutes and the check my server for the TXT files. 6. Whichever text files exits, THAT'S your winning CRON command. Ta da!! 7. Use the same command, with the amember/cron.php path info. For me, on 1and1 hosting, the command that worked was: 11 1 * * * /usr/bin/wget -a wget.log -O- http://www.MY_DOMAIN.com/amember/cron.php This runs every DAY at 1:11am and saves a simple logfile to "wget.log" in my root directory. (The instructions in the manual has it running every HOUR on the hour, but this is a waste of system resources... since it only needs to be run once per DAY.) In case your curious... lynx did not work on 1and1. i think curl worked. 11 1 * * * /usr/bin/curl -s http://www.MY_DOMAIN.com/amember/cron.php and, php worked.. this one is not document in the manual, but it ran the file OK. 11 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /homepages/XX/dXXXXXXXXX/htdocs/MY_HTML_DIRECTORY/amember/cron.php > /dev/null dK