Cross-Sale between amembers

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by spiryeros, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. spiryeros

    spiryeros New Member

    Apr 7, 2011
    Ok here is the deal i want to use zombaio for my future website + amember .

    I know they offer direct cross-sale at their payment processing page and thats very great .

    The problem that i want to know before thinking of buying amember is this .

    If i have site A (amember script ) and site B (amember script) and that person made buyed product 1 and checked on Zombaio payment page product 2 from site B the user info transfers into site B ?It's that possible a bridge between amember or something or it works with aMember ? .

    Best Regards .
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    I don't think this will work.
    If you will sent IPN notifications url correctly on both sites, aMember will receive IPN message, but will generate error because no payment was created for product 2 on site B initially.
  3. spiryeros

    spiryeros New Member

    Apr 7, 2011
    Now that's a problem . And it cannot create the user the error based on IPN message ? Taking the variables and ...hmm i understood .

    Ok Thanks
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Currently Zombaio plugin do not support "Allow to create new accounts from IPN" but this can be implemented.
    So this will work I guess but will require testing so I can't say that this will work 100%
    Also this will depends on how IPN messages will be sent. If Zombaio will send separate IPN message for each product, then this is possible to resend these messages to second installation and it will create an account as well.

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