Would like my members to get a second product when they buy one... Hi, First of all, sorry if my question may sounds stupid but I looked everywhere and did not found any answer. I created 4 products. One major one and 3 complementary. When someone sign up for the major one, I would like to make it possible to get one of the 3 others for free. I wanted to use Custom fields but I don't how to use the "Field Values" so it could understand to use the products. Maybe it cannot be done that way... :-/ Could you please help me to solve my pb ? Thanks Fran6
Thanks David, I will try that extension. I was just afraid I would have to develop something !! ;-) Edit: actually, I must be stupid, I did not found any plugin on the "Membership Academy" website. I did subscribe for a free account but I am afraid I need to get a Premium account to get that plugin... Am I wrong ?
Another question for you David. I don't know if you will be able to help me: when I want to buy the plugin it says that I need to give a URL. But right now I am using amember to test it locally (http://localhost...). Is there a way to change it later on ? Thanks