Custom menu only for signup pages

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by infoescomar, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. infoescomar

    infoescomar New Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    Hi guys,

    I have a custom theme to manage all my site look, but I have three different subscriptions forms, one for free users, oner for users of product A and its variations and another one for users of product B and it's variations.
    Now I need to display an option to call anyone of these forms but only from signup pages, not login forms for example.
    What I have done is implemented all in the theme but how I know if aMember is displaying a signup form to show the menu?
    Is there a better option for what I'm trying to do?


  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Mario, ​
    sorry but your question is not clear for me.​
    As I understood you need to add special block just to signup form and that block should be different for each form? If so use HTML brick in form editor.​
  3. infoescomar

    infoescomar New Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    I'm sorry for not being clear, the issue is I have 3 subscriptions forms, one for new users, and the other two for renewing users, I can customize in a member one default signup form and one default for members so the user can't get a link to the third form unless I create a link for that. I'm creating that as a part of my template so user can change in the header of the template. What I'd like to do is hide this "menu" if we are not in a signup process and show it if we are. Is there a better way to give acces the user to the third form? How aMember can deal with this situation?

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