Hi, Is it possible to add a custom page with show some report function for user -count of some product purchase in week, month, year... i've add the new menu on member area succes full by add code to site.php Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->add(Am_Event::USER_MENU, 'onUserPartner'); function onUserPartner(Am_Event $event) { $cuser = Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->getUser(); if($cuser->data()->get('partner_id') != NULL){ $event->getMenu()->addPage( array( 'id' => 'partner-id', 'controller' => 'partner', 'label' => 'Partner', 'order' => 1000 ) ); } else { return; } } class PartnerController extends Am_Controller // a Zend_Controller_Action successor { function indexAction() { $user = $this->getDi()->user; //currently authenticated customer or throws exception if no auth $this->view->title = "Partner Report"; $this->view->content = "Page content"; $this->view->display('layout.phtml'); } } but i don't know how to add the report function on this page. anybody can help me ?