Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of a time trying to figure out how to change the timing of the "Signup Email". In my checkout process, I actually require the creation of two accounts, one for the Parent and another for the Child (actual recipient of the product). The Parent account "purchases" a free lifetime product called Parent while the actual subscription is associated with their subuser account, the Child's account. The thing that I've noticed and would like to change is this: When someone begins the signup process and fills out the parent signup page (signup page 1), they automatically receive a signup email. Only until after payment is complete will they receive the signup email for the Child. Is there a way that I can have aMember send both signup emails AFTER payment has been completed? I really want to avoid customers starting signup and then "abandoning the cart", only to receive a signup email telling them their 30 day free trial has been activated (which they'd receive after filling out the 1st signup page, clicking continue, then deciding to bail out of checkout). This seems like it would result in very confused users! For background, my signup process for one of my products can be seen here. Huge thanks in advance! Matt
I'm not 100% clear on your flow, but perhaps a 2 step signup process? 1) parent signs up (free product) 2) on thanks.html page, add childs information and signup for the paid product. 1st email would be send by amember then, you could have a plugin that would send a 2nd email out after payment. David
David, Thanks for the reply. We were able to reach a solution by using an if statement corresponding to the product's id #. Thanks! Matt