Custom Theme not Overriding Default

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by nphaskins, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. nphaskins

    nphaskins New Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    Figured I'd post a new thread, as I had posted the question in another thread and now it's buried.

    I'm trying to style the login forms, and when I try to target am-layout-two-coll to git rid of the background image, it's not over-riding the default. Am I missing something here? It must be something simple.​
    my css:​
    page in question:​​
    It looks like amember.css is loading before my style. Shouldn't it be the other way around?​
  2. nphaskins

    nphaskins New Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    Holy jeez, I just solved it. Thanks to my judo-not-knowing-enough-code skills, my declarations were out of order. I moved it up to the top and BAAM!

    Disregard this post.

    Bearded Avenger
    Over and Out.
  3. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    No. With css - cascading style sheets - any properties declared in the first sheet (or file) will be overwritten by the second. So for example if you set the background colour in one style to be red and then you load a second css file that sets the background to green that will overwrite the first set property so the background will be green. Likewise if you change the background property in the html itself AFTER loading the style sheets then that will be the adopted property.

    That is how they are meant to work so you are loading them in the correct order.

    What is probably happening in your case, and this is a guess as I am yet to restyle anything is aMember 4, is that you are setting the style correctly, but when the aMember component is being loaded it is also loading its own style sheet and therefore overwriting your changes. I hope that makes sense!!
  4. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Hi you posted your second one same time as I was replying.

    Good you have it sorted.

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