Hello My site requires that I keep some extra information about most customers which is of a non-specific nature. I wonder if it was possible to add a notes section to a customers User Payments/Subscriptions section of the CP. Perhaps 2 tables, Date /Content. The benefit is when I check customers details, I can readily see any extra info that I might add about that person. Is this possible.
I would really like to have this as soon as you can. This will be useful because of changeover of our organization leadership -- and they need to know why this particular member have record, problems, to name a few. For example, we have had a problem with one member regarding his membership status. So we need to keep track of it -- having a "history information" or "note" will be great.
This would be good for me too. I have been thinking how useful that would be for a time now, a text field would be great.