Hello. I need to alter the member.html page so that some things are 'hidden' for users. I know almost nothing about programming, but I succeeded in doing this, using an IF .... ENDIF statement. For example... {if $smarty.session._amember_user.name_f == "Bob"} etc. and then putting stuff before the endif. That's great, but it only works for a firstname. So I've created a custom text field called 'restricted', which only I have access to. It defaults to 'N'. However, for some users, I want to set it as 'Y'. The parts about changing the password / email address will be hidden for these users. What do I put for the 'if' statement? Is it something like: {if $smarty.session._amember_user.restricted == "Y"} I'm hoping it's something that easy. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not a programmer, so simple answers are appreciated! Thanks.
if field is added as "SQL field", then {if $smarty.session._amember_user.restricted == "Y"} if fields is added as "Common field" then {if $smarty.session._amember_user.data.restricted == "Y"}