I use aMember for a group of alumni to pay their alumni dues- which then gives them access to the alumni website. I also use it to sell access to specific areas on the website. When the member comes to the member.php file, he or she has links to all his/her paid products. The one quirky thing is the product that allows them to pay their dues. For example, I set up the product so it's called 'University Alumni Dues'; When they pay it, they have access to the website. However, when they go to their member.php page and look at their links (products they've paid for), I don't want them to see 'University Alumni Dues' as a link, rather, I'd like them to see the name of the website instead. So, is there a way that the link displayed in the member.php page has a different name than the actual product? Or, can I just hide that particular product from the member on the member.php page to avoid confusion? That might be easier. Thanks!
Could use the logic in This Post to achieve want I want to do above? If so, what code would I apply to hide the product?
Alex, I really don't want to bother, but I can't seem to get an answer in the forum. Would it be better to submit this as a support ticket? I have tried to apply smarty logic phrases to my member.html file, and can't seem to get them to work. All I want to do is hide one product from the link list in the member.php file. Thanks.
I have tried to hide price groups with a negative number in my member.php page by adding: But it does not quite work. Any thoughts?