Where can I customize this email? We only have one free membership - is it possible to turn off the *** New Signup *** email and only receive this one?
Hi, You have two edit /amember/common.inc.php : PHP: function mail_approval_wait_admin($member_id){ global $t, $db, $config; $u = $db->get_user($member_id); mail_admin(" New signup completed and is awaiting your approval. Please login to aMember CP at $config[root_url]/admin/ Then click the following link: $config[root_url]/admin/users.php?member_id=$member_id&action=edit Short details: Username: $u[login] E-Mail: $u[email] Name: $u[name_f] $u[name_l] -- Your aMember Pro script $config[root_url]/admin ", "*** Your approval required");} Second email can be disabled in amember CP -> Setup -> Free -> Manually aprove new signups.