Hello I need to customize header and footer is there chance like this? If there is a chance somebody please tell me how to do.. Or I can pay someone to do this for me. Waiting for your help.
Hi David, Thanks for the info. How can I add my own footer images and links? Also want to edit footer & header. Any suggestions?
1. make theme folder amember/application/default/themes/custom/ 2. copy amember/application/default/views/layout.phtml to amember/application/default/themes/custom/layout.phtml 3. aMember Cp -> Setup : Set User Theme to "custom" 4. Open your amember user-side URL (signup page for example) and ensure it works. 5. Edit file amember/application/default/themes/custom/layout.phtml 6. Repeat steps 5 and 4 as many times as necessary
Thanks as you know 2CO requires The site will need to have both a refund and a privacy policy. How can I create and add them on Amember pro. Please help me 2Co wants to see fullsite before accepting. How can use amember like amember.com you have your content plus amember works inside your site. Waiting for your help.
Quick: - create folder amember/application/default/themes/me/ - copy file amember/application/default/views/layout.phtml to amember/application/default/themes/me/layout.phtml - edit amember/application/default/themes/me/layout.phtml - add to bottom links to refund and privacy policy - go to aMember CP -> Setup , and switch "User Theme" to "me" from "default".