I've figured out that in order to execute PHP code in the templates I need to change var $php_handling in Smarty.class.php, so that's done. But now I want to add a PHP function to the Browse Users Admin screen that will require assigning the member_id to a PHP variable. Here is a section of admin/users.html with my changes in red: {foreach from=$ul item=u} <tr class={cycle values="xx,odd"}> <td> <a href="users.php?action=edit&member_id={$u.member_id}"><b>{$u.login}</b></a> </td> <td> {$u.name_f} {$u.name_m} {$u.name_l} </td> <td> <a href="mailto: {$u.email}">{$u.email}</a> </td> <td> <?php $this_member = "{$u.member_id}"; print $this_member; ?> </td> <td> <a href="users.php?action=payments&member_id={$u.member_id}" title="Edit or Add Subscriptions">{if $u.count_of_completed}{$u.count_of_completed} - ${$u.summa_of_completed}{else}Never{/if}</a> </td> <td> {if $u.data.is_active} <b>Active</b> As you can see I'm just starting off simple to see if I can ever print the member_id in PHP. This doesn't work because PHP doesn't recognize {$u.member_id} as a valid string. I've tried several things, even trying to see if member_id was stored in the array $ul, but no luck. How can I assign {$u.member_id} to a PHP variable in this template?