Hi This is my first experience with aMember, and I need to make a small addition after a payment has successfully been processed -- I need to update a remote Lyris mailing list database. I already have tried and tested code to do this, I just need to work out where to add it. I've read the docs, and I think I understand, but I'd just like to make sure I'm doing it right and not creating problems further down the line. We use Linkpoint for payment processing, so I think I need to add a call to setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added','my_function_name') to linkpoint.inc.php. Should I add the function to linkpoint.inc.php also? Or should it go elswhere, if so where?? Thanks for any help!
No, it does not make sense which payment processor you are using. Just create PHP file amember/site.inc.php, and add such code into this: <?php function myhook($member_id, $product_id, $member){ // do what you need here, for example: print_r($member); } setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'myhook'); ?> You may test this by adding/removing payments via aMember CP - it will work exactly the same as live payments.
Ah, I'm glad I asked then ;-) So I don't need to make any changes to the payment processing code at all then, just create the site.inc.php file and put my code in there? Thanks very much for your reply! Regards