Hey All! I have a number of different products and use amember to protect them however I would like to know how you can customize and EDIT different headers for the different product groups. (I've already grouped the products following advise on this forum). Example: http://streetdatingrevealed.com/amember/signup.php?price_group=4 http://streetdatingrevealed.com/amember/signup.php?price_group=1 I would like to know how I can do the same? How would I edit the different signup pages for the different groups? Alex
Alex, Create different header templates, for example header1.html header2.html header3.html Then in signup.html: {if $smarty.request.price_group==1} {include file="header1.html"} {elseif $smarty.request.price_group==2} {include file="header2.html"} {elseif $smarty.request.price_group==3} {include file="header2.html"} {else} {include file="header.html"} {/if}