I had my amember setup for me, I paid someone to do it. Someone gained access to my vbulletin forum DB, which was linked to the aMember software. i changed the password for my DB, which was linked to aMember. I know get a "Cannot connect to MySQL: " error when visiting any page that;s linked to amember. I am confused as to why a change in my vbulletin Mysql info would cause that error, as amember is in it's own database I think. Where is the database info edited in the config files? Which file? Please let me know about this as soon as possible. Chris
in aMember, did you go back to your Setup -> vBulletin3 and make sure your plugin settings are still correct? If you have your db and password listed there, they should get updated too.
Well, I did not go back before, but now I cannot access the amember panel at all. I was trying to access the amember panel to make this change right after I changed the DB pass for vbulletin. Is there some config file I need to edit? I use cpanel, and my web_forum user had access to both the amember DB, and the vbulletin DB. So since it was the same user, I guess that means the pass got changed for that user, which means both amember and vbulletin need to be updated. Vbulletin forum is up and running, it's just amember now. Where is the amember DB user/pass located?
From the sound of it whoever set it up set up your forum and amember in the same database and used the same login for that database. Now if you change the password for one you are changing for both. go into your forum/includes/config.php and get your database information then go into /amember/config.inc.php and make sure the username and passwaords are the same as your forums.