When trying to access certain links within the dash board, I get redirected to this error: An Error has occurred The database has encountered a problem, please try again later. In the logs it says this: Exception Am_Exception_Db Am_Db::defaultDatabaseErrorHandler call_user_func [ library/DbSimple/Generic.php : 1356 ] DbSimple_Generic_LastError->_setLastError [ library/DbSimple/Generic.php : 973 ] DbSimple_Generic_Database->_setLastError [ library/DbSimple/Generic.php : 1593 ] DbSimple_Mypdo->_setDbError [ library/DbSimple/Generic.php : 1553 ] DbSimple_Mypdo->_performQuery [ library/DbSimple/Generic.php : 577 ] DbSimple_Generic_Database->_query [ library/DbSimple/Generic.php : 290 ] DbSimple_Generic_Database->selectCol [ library/Am/Form/Setup/Standard.php : 158 ] Am_Form_Setup_Global->initElements [ library/Am/Form/Setup.php : 70 ] Am_Form_Setup->prepare [ application/default/controllers/AdminSetupController.php : 69 ] AdminSetupController->displayAction [ application/default/controllers/AdminSetupController.php : 58 ] AdminSetupController->indexAction [ library/Am/Controller.php : 139 ] Am_Controller->_runAction [ library/Am/Controller.php : 116 ] Am_Controller->dispatch [ library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php : 308 ] Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch [ library/Zend/Controller/Front.php : 954 ] Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch [ library/Am/App.php : 1961 ] Am_App->run [ index.php : 92 ] And seems to be affecting this table in the database: am_page.frm phpMyAdmin says the table is "in use". Repairing the database does nothing, nor does trying to do any other sort of analysis repair on the table. I basically can't access any option under "Configuration" or "Protect Content" or any others that's calling something using this table.