I downloaded the amember-ZEND-latest.zip file, and when I try to unzip it, some files from the protect/new_rewrite folder asks to passwords. I clicked "Yes to All" and the file unzipped. But when I FTP'd the amember folder (in binary) to my Web host's server, it crashes the WS_FTP program at this point (protect/new_rewrite/...) of the upolad. I can see: directory identification unavailable I'm pretty sure it's from the password issue in the zip file. I'm just looking to try this out a little and am interested in buying the software - but I have to see it work, esp after what I've been experiencing. Why would a demo have ANY passwords? There should at least be a password easily offered AT the demo download page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Webstrat
I cannot reproduce the password issue. Make sure you are downloading from here: http://www.amember.com/p/Main/Download Also I would recommend uploading the .zip file as a whole and unzipping locally on the server.