Is it possible to use a different template for each product? Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks, Brandon
Yes, it is possible. You can define different "Price Group" in product settings, then in the signup template (amember/templates/signup.html) use conditional directives {if $smarty.request.price_group eq "1"} display html code for first price group {elseif $smarty.request.price_group eq "3"} display html code for third price group {/if}
Ah, very cool. Not being a big programmer, I am wanting to have a specific header & footer displayed depending on price_group. So where you say: "display html code for first price group" would I just have it call my header or footer html there? Something like: Code: {if $smarty.request.price_group eq "1"} {include file="header1.html"} {elseif $smarty.request.price_group eq "3"} {include file="header2.html"} {/if} Thanks, Brandon
Getting it! - but. . . I am trying to set up what sounds like Brandon515 did with the signup templates. I am needing to create a few totally different looking signup pages. I don't want one to look like the other. I think I understand how to change out the header and footer per the price group with the code info he used. But what about other content? I have, for example, a column to the right of the signup form. Is it possible to change text within the signup.html template per price group? Thanks, David
Sure you can do this the same way: {if $smarty.request.price_group eq "1"} Text for price_group 1 {elseif $smarty.request.price_group eq "3"} Text for price_group 3 {/if}
For the technically challenged, could you explain just where in signup.html this piece of code goes. For example could you put something like this: in the first quarter of the page after {if in_array($p.product_id, (array)$smarty.request.product_id)}checked="checked"{/if} For myself that would be a help if I could identify the code the line before where you insert the new code. Also do you have to delete any of the code that is already there to put it in?