I have two products that each need to gather different information on signup. I created all the new fields for the first product and signup.php works great. I created a new signup page (signup1.php and signup1.html) and an additional group of new fields to gather different information for the product. I set the visibility for these new fields to "do not display" and then hard coded them into the new signup1.html. These new fields show up fine on signup1.php, but all of the added fields from signup.php also show up on signup1.php...and this is not acceptable. How can I have multiple products, each with it's own unique set of additional fields? TIA
amember v3.23 allows you to assign fields to only be displayed to certain price groups- much easier this way. David
You should remove {$additional_fields_html} from signup1.html template. That variable add all additional fields that you have enabled. Also this is better to remove above block from both templates and hardcode fields in both templates.
Thanks to you both. I am working on upgrading all my amember installations and will use the built in feature in the future. I must admit Alexander... I did exactly what you suggested several times yesterday and it did not work... I realized today that while I had been making the changes to signup1.html.... I kept uploading signup1.php. I uploaded signup1.html today and the fields magically disappeared. I should kick myself. Thanks again!
Errors It looked like it was going to work, but it didn't. I attempted a test signup and when submitting the first page I get errors ex. "Please enter value for field [Date of Birth] "...even though none of the field values requested are on this signup page. Alexander...Is that why you said to hard code the signup page for both products? Or is it something else? Regards,
yes that is why you need to do this for both products. Field visibility in Add field screen should be set to hidden on signup page as well.