Different subscriptiontimes for same service? Moodle.

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by erichn, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. erichn

    erichn New Member

    Sep 27, 2005

    I want to use this with Moodle, but I have a few questions regarding what aMember can do.

    I want to be able to offer my courses in two pricings, 1-year and 1 month:
    1 year for $45
    1 month for $9
    Whatever option they choose, they must be able to get the same information/course. Is that possible?

    Another issue, is it possible to make the subscription for a group of courses? If a subscriber pays for one course, he/she gets access to 10 others? Is that possible?

    Erich N
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Yes, of course, it is possible and easy with aMember.
    Here is note from readme:

    "You will have to create a separate aMember product for every course, and then
    enter aMember product# (numeric) into Moodle course field named "ID Number". "
    In the case you described, you just need to enter comma-separated id of aMember Products, for example: 1,2

    Regarding group of course, it is possible (with limitations as I guess).

    How you configure this? In the course settings in Moodle into "Id Number" field you enter comma-separated list of aMember Product IDs that allow access to given course. It gives you real flexibility in configuration.
    (You may need to read above several times, I personally had to read it 3 times to understand :) )

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