Hi, just wanna know if people are doing this, and if it's okay... run signup.php for example, and then, just view the html code in IE or firefox. Copy and paste into Dreamweaver. Edit it as I wish, and then use that to process signups etc. It's so much easier than editing the signup.html with the smartytags, the if's and elses etc... Is this what most people are doing? Is it okay...? Seems to be much easier, plus I run a few different websites, and want the look and feel to be different on each signup.php page. So...am I alone with this approach?
I think when the user hits the continue or submit button, and theres an error, they will be given the original signup.html form since this has not been changed. David
I suggest make a copy first. Name it signup.php.bak -then- make changes to signup.php Remember you can run php code within smarty (signup.html) using: {php} ---code here--- {/php} http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/