Don't remove aMember 3 access just yet !

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by microvb, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. microvb

    microvb Member

    Nov 23, 2007

    Just a side note, and some feedback I have been getting from clients as well as several threads on here seem to point in the direction that aMember 3 was removed from download access a bit prematurely. aMember 4 has a steep learning curve and doesn't allow for some things which aMember 3 can handle no problems.

    aMember 4 definitely has some fantastic features and the user interface is much cleaner, with support for child themes, point and click wordpress integration, etc, however the main areas of concern are in the following:

    1. No support for creating multiple users with the same e-mail address.
    2. Passwords are encrypted in a non-reversable fashion. (good for security, but bad for third party integration).
    3. No recurring support for server stored credit cards. Only recurring with providers that store the credit card information on their end.
    4. Session issues - mainly on integrating outside of the framework using Am_Lite, etc. (you have many tickets on this issue, and are understandably working hard to resolve this)
    5. Very little documentation (I know this is improving, but for now, this is still a disadvantage)

    To be clear, this is not a post to bash aMember 4 or unjustified reluctance to introduce it. I have done several installations and customizations for aMember 4 which have proven successful. It is much better for a Wordpress membership system with better control of content access. It has an admin system which is much easier to use, the direct upload of files for protection is great with Amazon S3 support on the way, and the reporting features with the new dashboard are much more intuitive. The main point I am trying to get accross is that aMember 4 may be intended as a replacement for aMember 3, however aMember 3's long standing quality, and the features it supports are different enough from aMember 4 that it should not be pulled down just yet. aMember 4 still has a while to go before it can be a total replacement for aMember 3.

    On a side note, aMember 3 still has the "deprecated" issue with PHP 5.3.
    var = & new blah();
    Is no longer supported.

    For example Line # 395 of member.php. There are over a dozen instances of this error, which I have brought up before as an issue and am surprised that has not been corrected yet.

    Thanks again.

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