Hi. I would just like to ask if there was any way to send E-mail to the admin after signup is completed. Maybe put on (somewhere?) the hidden field(CC) with admin email? :unsure: I am using the latest free version. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i 'd like this too. so that the admin can see whats been bought as paypal receipt isn't always clear about this...also we are using peoples address and this doesn't get passed thru paypal would be nice to get it emailed. best i can suggest is in common.inc.php but as you get the email even when you haven't paid it needs to tied to paypal i feel...
I am receiving my admin emails when someone has "completed" their signup and paid for their services. However, I am not receiving an email notification when someone has signed up, but has gone into pending status because they did not complete the PayPal transaction. Is there any way to have amember send a notification to the admin when someone signs up - whether or not the signup is complete? Thanks for anyone's help!
It is possible (at least in latest version of the script) enable aMember Cp -> Setup -> E-Mail -> Send pending email to admin