Easy Way To Check Expiration Email Sending?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by neo, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. neo

    neo Guest

    Is there an easy way to verify expiration emails are being generated? I had it set to 14 days (before) to send email, but I'm not seeing anything go outbound.

    Is there a way to setup a user sub, and other settings, then run the cronlog to get it to push an expiration email outbound?

    The signup emails are working, just trying to verify the expiration email functions.

  2. neo

    neo Guest

  3. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest


    create such a php file in amember/ directory:


    include './config.inc.php';



    then create customer with desired expiration date, completed subscription and not-recurring payment processor used for payment.

    then, if you access php file created on previous step, you should receive expiration email.

    P.S. If you need quick answer, use contact form or email support@cgi-central.net
  4. neo

    neo Guest

    Don't quite understand this. But I did create the file and set a user to expired. Ran the file and no email was sent. I check the mail queues and logs and it shows nothing.

    The new email at signup works fine. Just trying to test the 14 until expiration and expired emails that would be sent out.
  5. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Which expiration date did you set ?
  6. neo

    neo Guest

    I set them at August 15th at the time. I have run the cronlog again just now and still nothing was kicked out. Could you take a look at it via the admin console and run the cronlog yourself to see what the issue is?

  7. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Please email me details.
  8. 7thgencivic.com

    7thgencivic.com New Member

    May 18, 2003
    How can I get it to email me when a subscription ends for a user?
  9. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    please email me FTP details and I will do this customization for you.

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