I have installed on XAMPP the IonCube. Thats ok. I put amember in F:\xampp\htdocs\amember I am asked from http://localhost/amember/setup.php at page 2: "MySQL Database Note: Setup does not create the database for you. Use the default database created by your host or create a new database, for example 'amember'" When entering amember, the message shows: "Cannot connect to mysql (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)) Is that an password-error issue or a missing database for amember? http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ tells me there is no mysql for amember: * cdcol (1) * efront (83) * information_schema (28) * mysql (23) * phpmyadmin (8) * test There are 2 minor irritations: a) Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in F:\efront\www\amember\setup.php on line 24 b) In a step before, I had installed efront, its running and the http.conf has the Directory set to: ServerRoot "F:/xampp/apache" But thats not a matter of the installation of amember So my question is: What mysql database is needed to run efront inside of amember? Thanks a lot,
Click on Databases in phpmyadmin and create a new one called amember. When running setup on aMember list "root" as the userid, with no password. With regards to the "Deprecated" messages, in your \xampp\php.ini set display_errors = Off Restart Appache web and try setup again.
How to activate plugin amember/efront? Thanks for the support. I had manualy entered a password and to get it out with phpmyadmin and cleaning the conf http://localhost/amember/admin/setup.php opens the first page of aMemberInstall. Thats working fine. After unzipping your Plugin into F:\xampp\htdocs\amember\plugins\protect\efront\config.inc.php it wil not show up in http://localhost/amember/admin/setup.php?notebook=Plugins Even when refreshing the browser and XAMPP Apache Mysql OFF/ON. In the dropdown list I can see when the page is refreshed, but efront does not show up.
I'm not entirely sure if you have a typo in your response, but there should be three files that get unzipped \amember\plugins\protect\efront\config.inc.php \amember\plugins\protect\efront\efront.inc.php \amember\plugins\protect\efront\readme.txt Ensure that all 3 files are unzipped successfully and then check the plugins page to enabled it.
I have double checked: The path F:\xampp\htdocs\amember\plugins\protect\ holds all the plugins as e107, ee, event-registration, dokeos, joomla F:\xampp\htdocs\amember\plugins\protect\efront\ contains two unzipped files config.inc.php = 2k efront.inc.php = 13k but no readme.txt both file starts with: * Author: skippybosco * FileName eFront aMember integration * Release: 2.0 (05/05/2010) I installed yesterday amember-latest.zip || 11.589kByte. In F:\xampp\htdocs\amember\plugins\protect\ was no subdirectory \efront\ So I created \efront\ in Windows Explorer Doublecheck: I have on my local PC copernic. Searching for files from yesterday with joomla I get the path F:\xampp\htdocs\amember\plugins\protect\joomla\joomla.inc.php So the path structure is like I explained. The file starts with <?php //003d2 // Software written by CGI-Central.NET if(!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')){$__oc=strtolower(substr(php_uname(),0,3));$__ln='ioncube_loader_'.$__oc.'_'.substr(phpversion(),0,3). .... and a block which is binary encoded. like a embedded gif. The same in the dokeos.inc.php So I am afraid, that a) cgi-central is looking for somesthing binary encoded in the inc file b) there is no readme.txt
Are you are using the trial version of aMember? That is typically what the ioncode is referring to. Currently 3rd party plugins do not work with the trial version of aMember (only aMember developed plugins). This is the older beta version of the eFront plugin, the released production version is dated 06/01/2010 and is available for download from the first post of this thread: http://www.amember.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8632 It also includes full documentation with screen shots. If you are still having problems you are welcome to email me at {my userid here} @ hotmail.com and I'll do whatever I can to assist you.