Hi, I configured Amember with the Joomla and Efront plugins. I can create Joomla users with the Amember Pro signup form. However, the users do not get created in Efront. I verified that both plugins are fine. I can even pull up the list of course from Efront if I try to create a new product bundle. Not sure why the users are not being created in Efront. Can you please let me know what could be wrong? I looked at the logs but did not see any errors that could point me in the right direction. I am using: Lastest version of the Amember Pro script v4.1.13 and the latest Efront plugin. Edition: Community++ Edition Installed version: 3.6.10 build 11973 Thanks! Miguel
eFront users are only created when an aMember product is purchased that has associated eFront content. Have you created a protection rule to associate an aMember product to an eFront course / lesson?
I will try that. I will associate product content with a subscription. Based on what you stated, if a new user registers and selects the subscription that contains Efront content then the user will be created. I will post a reply once I test. Thanks! -mg
Yes, this is the case. An eFront user will NOT be created if the user does not purchase a product that has associated eFront content.
I second that. I created the Efront product associated with a subscription and now the users are being created. However, when the user is created in Efront, I cannot log in using the password I used when registering that user account. Not sure why this is happening. Also, could you reply back to my other porting on field validation? Thanks much!
Regarding the password you are using, does it contain any non alphanumeric characters (ie. &, #, $, etc) as these are known to cause issues with the eFront API.
No special characters. I ended up restoring a copy of the efront database and will be testing. I will let you know how that turns out.