Hello, I seem to have a problem at the Email System Configuaration stage. I am using: Internal PHP mail() function (default), but when I send a test message to my personal email account, nothing arrives. There are no error messages either. So I'm not really sure if this is set up correctly or not! Any help / advice? Thanks.
Hi - I have tried sending to two different addresses on different domains and also a gmail account. No luck. Nothing received. Is my server likely to have a problem with the "Internal PHP mail() function (default)" function? Do I need to enable something for this to be allowed. Or is it a simple process? Just can't think what could be causing the problem / non-sending. No actual errors occuring, just no test emails arriving which makes me think there is an error! EDIT: The message sent to my gmail address just arrived. So that is a good sign. Just intriguing that emails to any regular domain email never arrived. Perhaps something to do with all my domains are with the same host (Fasthosts) and something aMember doesn't like about those servers?