I'm setting up my first aMember site and think I'm down to one last problem. aMember isn't sending emails to new members (or anything other emails). The email account works (I can send and receive on this account using Mac Mail). If I log in to admin and go to Setup > Email and try sending using the E-Mail System Configuration > Test this settings (to a differnt email) I gt this aMember error in a popup window An Error has occured ERROR [256] Smarty error: [in admin/email_test.html line 5]: [plugin] modifier 'escapes' is not implemented (core.load_plugins.php, line 118) in line 1102 of file /nfs/c05/h03/mnt/76461/domains/xyz.com/html/amember/smarty/Smarty.class.php Please contact webmaster: orders@xyz.com. The error URL address is http://www.xyz.com/amember/admin/em...sbcglobal.net&m=sendmail&p=/usr/sbin/sendmail I've tried this on all email options (Internal PHP, SMPT and SendMail). Any thoughts? Thanks, Tom
Regarding the error you receive during testing, check this thread: http://www.amember.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10131
Thanks skippy, That was the error. Along with the frustrating fact that the email account I was sending/testing to considered these messages spam and filtered them (grrrrrrr......). All fixed now.