I've seen a number of threads on this subject but no specific area where it can be requested for inclusion in a future release. Is email throttling likely to be added to a near-future release as it's clearly an issue to many developers due to the restrictions imposed by ISP's and can result in less need to integrate with other products such as PHPList which many are using as their solution to the deficiency.
Once you integrate that to replace phplist we're currently using, I'll be the first one to extend our aMember upgrade subscription Alex
It's been a long wait so far for throttling to appear in AmemberPro. Using PHPList is simply using two products when one will do. any ideas when this can be implemented in a future release? I also will extend to get the functionality.
I am currently testing a modification to aMember to allow phpList style throttling (ie so many messages per hour). It is finished expect for the cron processing which as I am doing 'real time' means I have to wait for each normal cron cycle to run a test. Should be available real soon now! Larry
The utility is available now .. $37.50 fully integrated into aMember.... thought that was what you wanted?