Enabling HTML links members vs non-members

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by goexcel, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. goexcel

    goexcel Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Is it possible to enable HTML links for only logged in members versus non-members? I’m assuming there’s a way to pass some variable and then enable specific HTML?

    Here’s what we’re trying to accomplish:

    Only members will have links enabled to view specific videos, with non-members having the links disabled or they’ll have a link enabled that will redirect them to the subscribe page. Both members and non-members would view the same page. By utilizing the same page for both members and non-members, this will avoid (hopefully) having to create a duplicate page with similar content for both.

    As an added note, we plan to use WordPress with Amember V 4, and S3Flowshield to encrypt the video links for members.
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    If you use WordPress this will be easy.

    Video Embed & Protection
    I would embed each video on a separate page. S3 Flowshield works fine, I have used this plugin in the past and it did work good. Note that support for S3 storage is on the aMember Road Map for the next major release (4.2)

    I have since switched to VideoPress which is a premium service offered from the WordPress (WP) folks. I think it offers some of the best playback quality available and can be locked down to only play on your domain. With WP you add a video to any page/post with a shortcode.

    Controlling Access to the Videos
    If you embed one video per page then you simply use the aMember page protection to control who has access to the page. You can configure what to do when a visitor, or user (logged in but does not have a subscription) attempts to access a restricted page.

    You can further control access to pages using the dynamic menu feature of aMember. You can hide/show menu links to pages based on a person's membership(s). This includes the top nav bar or even menus placed in a sidebar widget.

    You could put multiple videos on a single page an hide/show them using shortcodes, but I think it would be simpler and more flexible to put one per page.
  3. goexcel

    goexcel Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Grant - thanks very much for the quick and detailed reply. The embed option is not viable since the courses have upwards of 100 videos per course, so the most logical option is to have all the video links on one page (or one page per course).

    I'm looking forward to the S3 storage option with Amember, however, we cannot wait until that release. I'll look into the VideoPress and Amember options you mentioned.

    Thanks again.

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