Hi everybody! I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as i keep getting the error message Now I have been receiving payments, however i have noticed that recurring payers have their payment rejected with the following message : " Payment failed: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address." Would it have anything to do with the error message i have on my control panel: "Cron job has been running last time at 09/23/2009 11:02:49, it is more than 24 hours before. Most possible external cron job has been set incorrectly. It may cause very serious problems with the script" ? Please help! Steve
So far, I have answered the second part of my question and set up a cron job for my CP. Still having multiple payment processing problems with the same message: " Payment failed: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address."