Error: There are no products available for purchase

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tooliedotter, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. tooliedotter

    tooliedotter Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Our members are unable to purchase any of the one-payment-lifetime-access products from our site. We have substantial number of products for sale so this is a critical path issue!

    We are running:
    Joomla 1.7.3
    Amember Pro v4.1.12
    1ShoppingCart with Amember integration
    Joomla Amember Plugin

    Web server:
    PHP Built On Linux 2
    MySQL Database Version 5.1.56
    Database Collation utf8_general_ci
    PHP Version 5.2.17
    Web Server Apache
    WebServer to PHP Interface cgi-fcgi
    Joomla! Version Joomla! 1.7.3 Stable [ Ember ] 14-Nov-2011 14:00 GMT
    Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 11.2.0 Stable+Modified [ Omar ]

    We have both memberships with annual recurring charges and one-payment-lifetime-access products. We have set up
    1. The user groups with access in Joomla: one level for each "lifetime" product.
    2. Match those with corresponding products in 1ShoppingCart (and checked the Amember box).
    3. Match those with corresponding products in Amember.
    4. Created an Integration record for each product in Amember.
    The one-payment-lifetime-access products have the requirement that a existing active membership be in place before they can purchase these products, which we have set up. We are able to log into Joomla and click on the product (Amember) signup link, but when it gets to the signup page, we see:
    There are no products available for purchase. Please come back later.

    That happens even when we're logged in as Admins in Joomla on the front-end.

    What are we missing?

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Toolie, ​
    Check "products brick" configuration in signup form. may be you didn't add select all products there. ​

  3. tooliedotter

    tooliedotter Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    The products we're selling are one payment, lifetime access. I've attached a screen capture of the products brick. Also, I filed a support ticket under the client account (UZU-34341-292) that Anton is working on, so if you can help him, that would be great.

    Attached Files:

  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Sure I will check it right now.
    Will provide an update in helpdesk.

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